Hard Times - Paramore

sib sib sib sol | All that I want
fa fa fa mib mib | Is to wake up fine
sol sib sib sib sib DO DO | Tell me that I'm alright
fa fa fa mib mib mib | That I ain't gonna die
sib sib sib sol | All that I want
fa fa fa mib mib mib | Is a hole in the ground
sol sib sib sib sib DO sol | You can tell me when it's alright
fa fa mib mib mib | For me to come out

sol fa fa | Hard times
sib sib sib sol sol fa mib fa sol fa mib | Gonna make you wonder why you even try
sol fa mib | Hard times
sib sib sib sol sol fa mib fa sol sib sib | Gonna take you down and laugh when you cry

sol fa fa | These lives
sol sib DO sol sol fa fa mib fa mib DO | And I still don't know how I even survive
sol fa mib | Hard times
sol fa fa | Hard times

sib sib sib sol | Walking around
fa fa fa mib mib mib | With my little rain cloud
sib sib sib sib DO DO | Hanging over my head
fa fa fa mib mib sol fa | And it ain't coming down
sib sib sib sol | Where do I go?
fa fa fa mib mib mib | Gimme some sort of sign
sol sib sib sib DO DO | You hit me with lightning!
fa fa fa mib mib mib | Maybe I'll come alive

sol fa fa | Hard times
sib sib sib sol sol fa mib fa sol fa mib | Gonna make you wonder why you even try
sol fa mib | Hard times
sib sib sib sol sol fa mib fa sol sib sib | Gonna take you down and laugh when you cry

sol fa fa | These lives
sol sib DO sol sol fa fa mib fa mib DO | And I still don't know how I even survive
sol fa mib | Hard times
sol fa fa | Hard times

sib sib sol sol DO sib sol | Tell my friends I'm coming down
lab sol mib mib mib lab sol mib | We'll kick it when I hit the ground

sib sib sol sol DO sib sol | Tell my friends I'm coming down
lab sol mib mib mib lab sol fa sol | We'll kick it when I hit the ground

mib mib lab sol mib | When I hit the ground
mib mib lab sol fa sol | When I hit the ground
mib mib lab sol fa | When I hit the ground
mib mib lab sol mib | When I hit the ground

sol fa fa | Hard times
sib sib sib sol sol fa mib fa sol fa mib | Gonna make you wonder why you even try
sol fa mib | Hard times
sib sib sib sol sol fa mib fa sol sib sib | Gonna take you down and laugh when you cry

sol fa fa | These lives
sol sib DO sol sol fa fa mib fa mib DO | And I still don't know how I even survive
sol fa mib | Hard times
sol fa fa | Hard times

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